Aug 08 M Phil Software Engineering Free Entry Requirements: A good honours degree (class 2.1 or Aug 08 Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering (BME) Free The ME offers a five year Bachelor of Science Aug 08 Master of Science in Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Mechanisms (MCPEWM) Free The Master of Science Degree in Conflict Prevention and Aug 08 Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSE) Free The MSE is a one and half year (18 Aug 08 Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (BEE) Free The EEE department offers a five year Bachelor of Aug 08 National Defence Course (NDC) Free CRITERIA FOR ENROLMENT A candidate must: be in possession Information Literacy Skills Course. Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Exhibition Zimbabwe Library Association Conference Examinations ZNDU Energy Security Symposium Information Literacy Skills Course. Zimbabwe International Trade Fair Exhibition Zimbabwe Library Association Conference