Complete an official application form which can be obtained from the Admissions Office, Zimbabwe National Defence University (ZNDU), Rodgers Alfred Nikita Mangena Barracks, Approximately 10 km from CBD along Harare-Mazowe Road, upon payment of USD20.00 or RTGS equivalent to the prevailing bank rate. Application for ms can also be downloaded from the University website The completed application form should be accompanied by an original bank deposit slip of the application fee. The University banking details are: Bank: CBZ, Account: Manpower Development and Exchange Programmes, Account Number 021 240 635 000 12 Branch: Selous Avenue. Please include your full name on the deposit slip. The completed form should be submitted to the Admissions Office together with certified copies of your national identity card, bir th cer tificate, academic and professional certificates, transcripts and other relevant documents, by 18 June 2023.
Postal Address:
Admissions Office
Zimbabwe National Defence University
Rodgers Alfred Nikita Mangena Barracks (RAN)
P Bag CY 1535
Causeway Harare
Contact Telephone Numbers:
+2638688007001 Ext 1010
Prospective applicants should feel free to approach the Admissions Office for advice on programmes best suited for them.
Click here to download the Application form for Undergraduate/Postgraduate Programmes.
Click Here to download the MPhil and DPhil Application Form.